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Roasted Sunchokes

Jerusalem Artichokes (Helianthus tuberosus):

They are not from Jerusalem, nor are they part of the artichoke family. These are often called sunchoke, sunroot, or earth apple, and they are tuberous roots of a species of sunflower native to central North America. It is cultivated widely across this temperate zone for its tuber, and used as a starchy root vegetable like potatoes and turnips. Similarly to celery root, it will oxidize when sliced, so it's best to use them right away or store them in acidulated water (water with the juice of one lemon) if you're not using immediately.


A good source of iron, potassium and thiamin, sunchokes are low in calories and high in fiber. The primary carbohydrate they contain is inulin, which has little effect on blood sugar and is therefore beneficial for diabetes or pre-diabetes.

How do you eat Sunchokes?

Sunchokes can be served raw, roasted, fried, pureed into soups, or steamed. When roasted, the skin becomes flaky and the flesh becomes tender, but the taste of a sunchoke is slightly nutty and sweet. Cooked sunchokes are best when eaten within 2 days. The skin doesn't have to be peeled, making it even more quick and easy to cook with them.

Easy Recipe:

Once the sunchokes are completely cleaned, drizzle a little oil, salt, and pepper over them and roast at 425°F for about 35 minutes turning once in between.


Try with a little thyme. Use anywhere you would potatoes or turnips: salad, pasta, snack.

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